Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snow Day Meltdown

There may be snow on the ground, but I had a meltdown Saturday.

Type A girls are prone to meltdowns.  Truth be known, once we get preoccupied "cookin" up earthly schemes , we're bound to overheat, bubble over and, yep, meltdown.

The problem is our controlling attitude.  We Type A's want to make sure everything works out perfectly.  We organize the heck out of events and then freak out (silently or not-so-silently)  when something does not go according to plan.

Sometimes,  I'm a silent melter.  Other times, I'm a shrieking banshee.  Saturday, I just cried.

I'd spent months planning the auction.  I had transported 130 items and meticulously placed them in a huge hall. I was good to go:  T-minus 5 hours and the people would flow through those doors to bid.

All this effort was for a good cause...need I say...a GOD cause?  I worked myself to the bone just to make sure God was pleased.  Type "A"s tend to do that.

Then...it snowed...

It snowed and it snowed....

...And it snowed.

My items were wilting and so was my spirit.  No one was going to come.  What could a good "A" do?

"Make a list," Jesus told me in the silence of the auction hall.


"Make a list - What's the most important thing to remember?"  Jesus replied.

Uh...hmmmm....You died for me?"  Was there any question about that?  I was really embarrassing myself.

Jesus, however, has the patience of, well, Jesus.  He waited for me to figure things out.

"You died for me."  I spoke with conviction now.  I wiped my eyes and blew my nose.

"Does the snow change the fact I died for you?"

"No," I answered.

"Does the cancellation of your auction change that fact?"


"Does your interrupted plan change my death on the cross?"


I was seeing a pattern here.

My life would not end with this change in plans. My life would not end at all.

Jesus had, in fact, in one glorious moment, given His life for sinners like meBecause I  believe this and have committed my life to Jesus, I am made perfect in Jesus' death.

I don't need auction accolades to measure up to my Messiah.   

Jesus made me perfect.... All my fussing made me flustered.

Why was I clinging to a flimsy bid sheet?   Snow was gently falling outside the auction window.

"Finish your list,"  Jesus seemed to whisper with the drifting flakes.

A Holy finger traced my checklist in the snowy banks of my mind.

"Jesus is enough."

I closed my eyes and said a prayer.

I opened my eyes and scanned the vast array of auction items.  Somehow I knew....everything would be just fine.

I turned the hall lights off.  The snow's reflection cast a lovely light for my path.

I locked the door and stepped out into... peace.

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